The SGBK provides two forms of passive membership.

Donor Membership
A donor member may be any person or institution that supports SGBK Switzerland ideologically and financially. The amount
of the annual contribution can be freely chosen over a period of at least four years, with a minimum contribution
of 150 Swiss francs.

 As a donor, you will receive:

  • a membership card that grants you partly reduced entry fees to museums (see Benefits),
  • invitations to the exhibitions organized by the SGBK,
  • permission to attend the General Assembly of the SGBK as a guest.

 Application Form for Donor Membership


Regional Sponsor Membership

A regional sponsor member may be any natural or legal person that supports the society financially and ideologically.

Anyone who feels particularly attached to a section and would like to contribute to the promotion of the regional art scene can become a regional sponsor member of the respective section. The amount of the contribution can be freely chosen, starting with a minimum contribution of 150 Swiss francs.

As a regional sponsor,  you will receive:
  • a membership card that grants you partly reduced entry fees to museums (see Benefits),
  • invitations to events organized for regional sponsor members,
  • permission to attend the section's annual general meeting as a guest.

Application Form for Regional Sponsor Membership